LabKey/Rserve Setup Guide


This topic is under construction for the 24.3 (March 2024) release of LabKey Server. For the previous documentation of this feature, click here.

Premium Feature — Available with all Premium Editions of LabKey Server. Learn more or contact LabKey.

This topic will help you enable LabKey Server to execute R reports against a remote Rserve instance. Although you could technically run Rserve on the same machine where LabKey is installed, it is not advised. Running R scripts on a remote Rserve server has a number of advantages:

  • A remote Rserve server frees up resources on your local machine for other uses and does not overwhelm the machine running your LabKey Server.
  • It provides faster overall results, because there is no need to recreate a new R session for each process.
  • There is no need to wait for one process to end to begin another, because LabKey Server can handle multiple connections to Rserve at one time.
To follow the steps below, we assume that:
  • You are a SysAdmin with a working knowledge of Linux installations.
  • You have a working knowledge of R and the basics of how to take advantage of Rserve integration features.
  • You are a site administrator on your LabKey Server and will be installing Rserve on another machine.


Rserve Installation on Linux (Ubuntu)

To install RServe follow the installation steps in the official RServe documentation here:

The process is roughly as follows, though the above may have been updated by the time you are reading this topic: Configure your Rserve so it runs securely (Strongly recommended):
  • Create the /etc/Rserv.conf file (filename is case-sensitive) with the following info:
    remote		enable
    auth required
    encoding utf8
    plaintext disable
    pwdfile /labkey/rserve/logins
  • Create a file called logins under /labkey/rserve and setup the credentials in that file on a single line as shown below. The username and password you provide here will be used to run reports on the Rserve server. You'll enter the values provided here into the LabKey Server scripting configuration below:
    rserve_usr rserve_pwd

Start and Stop Rserve

Follow the instructions in the documentation on the official RServe site:

The following steps are for illustration only and may have changed since this topic was written:

Start Rserve

Start Rserve via the following command:
R CMD Rserve

If you want to start Rserve with the following conditions, an alternative set of parameters can be used. To tell R:

  • not to restore any previously saved session
  • not to save the environment on exit, and
  • to suppress prompts and startup text use the following alternative start command:
    R CMD Rserve --no-restore --no-save --slave
Learn more about other command line options in the Rserve documentation.

To run Rserve in debug mode, use:

R CMD Rserve.dbg --no-restore --no-save --slave

Stop Rserve

To stop Rserve: Run the grep command to find the Rserve process:

ps -ef | grep -i rserve

Identify the PID of the process and use the kill command to terminate the process.

Enable Scripting Using Rserve on LabKey Server

Once Rserve is installed and running as described above, a site administrator must complete these steps to configure LabKey Server to use it. A grid detailing the required settings and properties follows the image.

  • Go to (Admin) > Site > Admin Console.
  • Under Configuration, click Views and Scripting.
  • If there is already an "R Scripting Engine" configuration, select and delete it.
  • Add a New Remote R Engine configuration.

Properties, examples, and descriptions of the configuration options. Items you will need to edit/provide in this panel are in bold.

SettingExample valueDescription
NameRemote R Scripting EngineDefault
Language Version Manual entry; can be helpful if kept updated.
File ExtensionsR,rDefault
Machine NameIP Address or DNS name ( by default)Machine/DNS name or IP address of running Rserve instance.
Port6311Port that the Rserve instance is listening on
Data ExchangeAutoThe default "Auto" setting is typically used. Learn more below.
Change PasswordCheckCheck to activate boxes for entering credentials.
Remote Userrserve_usrName of the user allowed to connect to an Rserve instance. This user is managed by the admin of the Rserve machine and designated in the "/labkey/rserve/logins" file.
Remote Passwordrserve_pwdPassword for the Rserve user designated in the "/labkey/rserve/logins" file
Program Commandtools:::.try_quietly(capture.output(source("%s")))This default is provided.
Output File Name${scriptName}.RoutThis default is provided.
Site DefaultCheckedThere is typically a single remote R configuration on a server.
SandboxedCheck if this Rserve instance is considered sandboxedLearn more here.
Use pandoc & rmarkdownCheck to use pandoc and rmarkdownLearn more here.
EnabledCheck to enable this configuration 

Click Submit to save the configuration, then Done to exit the scripting configuration page.

Data Exchange Options

Auto: (Default)

The "Auto" configuration is the most common and offers secure and reliable operation. Rserve is running remotely without access to a shared file system. In this case, the the report's working directory is copied to the remote machine via the Rserve API before the report script is executed. After the script completes, that working directory is copied "back".

This has the advantage of allowing Rserve in a very generic configuration without direct access to LabKey Server's file system. This can improve security and reduce chances for mistakes.

Note that pipeline jobs and transform scripts can only be run against the "Local" option. An error will be raised if you run them against a remote script engine set to "Auto".


If Rserve is running on the local machine, that local machine can access the files in the same directory where LabKey Server accesses them. This is not suitable for a large or shared installation, but can be seen as an alternative to using the local "R Scripting Engine" option in certain circumstances.

Running the Rserve as a systemd service can ensure that it stays up and running.

Legacy Options, Developer Guidance, and Troubleshooting

Learn about the legacy "Mapped" data exchange option in the documentation archives here.

Learn about possible client code changes needed in some situations in the documentation archives here.

Additional troubleshooting guidance is available in the documentation archives here.

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