Matrix of Report, Chart, and Grid Permissions


The following table lists the minimum role required to perform some activity with reports, charts, and grids. For example, to create an attachment, the minimum role required is Author. In general, with "Reader" access to a given folder or dataset, you can create visualizations to help you better understand the data--i.e. check for outliers, confirm a conclusion suggested by another--but you cannot share your visualizations or change the underlying data. To create any sharable report or grid view, such as for collaborative work toward publication of results based on that data, "Author" permission would be required.

General Guidelines

  • Guests: Can experiment with LabKey features (time charts, participant reports, etc) but cannot save any reports/report settings.
  • Readers: Can save reports but not share them.
  • Authors: Can save and share reports (not requiring code).
  • Developers: Extends permission of role to reports requiring code.
  • Admin: Same as editor permissions.
 CreateSaveUpdate (owned by me)Delete (owned by me)Share with others (mine)Share with others in child foldersUpdate (shared by others)Update properties (shared by others)Delete (shared by others)Change sharing (shared by others)
AttachmentAuthorAuthorAuthorAuthorAuthor EditorEditorEditorEditor
Server file attachmentSite AdminSite AdminSite AdminSite AdminSite AdminSite AdminSite AdminSite AdminSite AdminSite Admin
CrosstabReaderReader (non-guest)Reader (non-guest)Reader (non-guest)AuthorProject AdminEditorEditorEditorEditor
Custom ReportReaderReader (non-guest)Reader (non-guest)Reader (non-guest)AuthorProject AdminEditorEditorEditorEditor
Participant ReportReaderReader (non-guest)Reader (non-guest)Reader (non-guest)AuthorProject AdminEditorEditorEditorEditor
Time ChartReaderReader (non-guest)Reader (non-guest)Reader (non-guest)AuthorProject AdminEditorEditorEditorEditor
Query SnapshotAdminAdminAdminAdminAdmin AdminAdminAdmin 
JavascriptDeveloper + AuthorDeveloper + AuthorDeveloper + AuthorDeveloper + AuthorDeveloper + AuthorDeveloper + Project AdminDeveloper + EditorEditorEditorEditor
RDeveloper + AuthorDeveloper + AuthorDeveloper + AuthorDeveloper + AuthorDeveloper + AuthorDeveloper + Project AdminDeveloper + EditorEditorEditorEditor

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