Manage Job Queue


Premium Feature — Available in the Professional Edition of Sample Manager. Learn more or contact LabKey.

Once jobs and tasks have been created and assigned to you, you will immediately see your own work queue from the home page in the Jobs List. You can also easily see information about jobs assigned to others.

Jobs List Dashboard Panel

On the home page, the Jobs List shows Your Job Queue by default. This is the list of jobs that are either assigned to you or include tasks assigned to you. Filter your queue by Priority Level using the dropdown.

You can switch to Active Jobs by clicking the tab, and the view will show jobs assigned to others as well.

Click the name of any job to see the job details and task list.

Workflow Home

Click Workflow Home or select Your Job Queue from the main menu to see the jobs list in grid form.

By default, you'll see Your Job Queue sorted by due date. Like other grids, you can use filtering, sorting, searches, and custom views on the grid of jobs.

The tabs each show the count of jobs in the different categories:

  • Your Job Queue: Jobs and tasks assigned to you.
  • Your Tracked Jobs: All Jobs in which you appear on the Notify List. This list is initially filtered to those jobs that are currently "In Progress".
  • All Active Jobs: Jobs that have not been completed, including but not limited to the ones in your own queue.
  • Completed Jobs: Jobs that have been completed.
  • All Jobs: All of the above.
Click the name of any job or template to see the details and task list.

Administrators have more options for managing jobs, as described in this topic: Manage Jobs and Templates.

Your Job Queue

At any time in the application, you can select Your Job Queue from the Workflow section of the main menu to jump to a detailed view of your own work assignments.

Your Tracked Jobs

You can access a grid of all jobs which include you on the Notify List by selecting Your Tracked Jobs from the Workflow section of the main menu.

By default your tracked jobs are filtered to show those with the status "In Progress". Hover over the filter and click the "X" to clear it.

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