
Batches represent a specific quantity of a given mixture. The mixture is a virtual entity, i.e. a recipe, used to create a real, physical batch of material.

To create a new batch, select Create > Batch from the batches grid, or select Create > Mixture Batch from any mixture detail page to include that mixture in your batch.

The steps in the batch creation wizard are similar to those in the mixture wizard.


On the Details tab, the only required fields is the mixture (i.e., the recipe) to be used to create the batch. Optional fields are: Batch Name, Description, Vendor/Part Number, Consumed. If the Batch Name is not provided, it will be automatically assigned a unique name. Click Next.


On the Ingredients tab, each ingredient row is disabled until you add a Desired Batch Yield and Unit. Once selected, the rest of the page will become enabled and populate information.

Enter the exact amounts of which raw materials were used to create the mixture recipe. (If ingredients and/or amounts are unknown, see options below.)

For each raw material, specify a source lot by its id number.

Each ingredient in the recipe may have one or more source lots of raw material This is useful when you exhaust one lot and need to use a second lot to complete the batch. For example, using 40g of Potassium Phosphate empties a lot, if the next lot contains 45, you would need an additional 15g from another lot to reach the target amount of 100g shown in the following. Add additional lots by clicking Add raw material for the specific ingredient.

Note that if one or more raw materials are indicated, the option to set an amount or raw material as unknown is no longer available.

You can also add ingredients as you register a batch. Click Add ingredient at the end of the ingredient list.

For each preparation step in the mixture recipe, the user can enter any preparation notes necessary in creating this particular batch. Notes are optional, but can provide helpful guidance if something unusual occurred with the batch.

Once all required fields are filled, the Next button will become clickable.


The confirmation step allows the user to view the information they have entered. If necessary, they can click back to return to previous tabs to make any updates. Preparation notes are collapsed, but can be expanded by clicking the right-arrow icon.

Click Finish to register this batch and see the row as entered in the grid.

If multiple raw materials were used, the batch details panel will display material lot numbers and the amounts used.

Registering Batches with Unknowns

When registering batches, the Ingredients step includes the option to mark:

  • all materials as unknown
  • individual raw materials as unknown
  • individual amounts as unknown
This is useful when adding vendor supplied batches to the registry, where you may not know specific details about the vendor's proprietary materials and/or amounts.

Note the button Show unknown options. When clicked, the UI reveals "Unknown" checkboxes underneath each row's amount and raw material input. Selecting Unknown will then disable the individual input.

To disable all material and amount inputs, click to set the slider for Materials/Ingredient Source to Unknown.

Confirmation warnings are provided if the user provides incomplete values and an 'unknown' box is not ticked.

Once entered into the registry, the unknown factors are reflected in the user interface.

Bulk Registration of Batches That Include Unknowns

In bulk registration of Batches, some fields support the text "unknown" on import. For details, see Bulk Registration of Entities.

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