Export Study Objects


When you export a study, you can choose which items to include in the archive. In addition to queries, views, reports, and settings available when exporting any type of folder, the study folder enables the export of study related properties.

  • To export a study:
    • From the Manage tab, click the Export Study button.
    • Or select Admin > Folder > Management and click the Export tab.
  • Select the checkboxes for folder and study objects you wish to export. The list will look something like the following:

Assay Datasets

This option exports assay dataset information, writing metadata to "datasets_manifest.xml" and data to .tsv files. See Study Import/Export Files and Formats for more details.

Assay Schedule

Exports assay schedule .tsv files to a directory parallel to datasets in the archive including definitions of which assays are included in the study and expectations for which visits assay data will be uploaded.


This option exports the Categories for report grouping to "view_categories.xml."

Cohort Settings

This option exports the cohort definitions to "cohorts.xml." If defined, SubjectCount and Description for cohorts are included.

CRF Datasets

This option exports Case Report Form dataset information, writing meta data to "datasets_manifest.xml" and "datasets_metadata.xml" files and data to .tsv files. See Study Import/Export Files and Formats for more details.

Custom Participant View

For a study where the admin has pasted in a custom Participant HTML page, the custom participant view is exported as participant.html.

Dataset Data

Export data in datasets; omitting this object creates a study template for use creating new matching but empty studies.

Participant Comment Settings

This option exports participant comment settings, if present.

Participant Groups

This option exports the study's participant groups. In addition to label, type, and datasetID, the autoUpdate attribute will record whether the group should be updated automatically. The file generated is "participant_groups.xml."

Protocol Documents

This option exports the study protocol documents to a "protocolDocs" folder.

QC State Settings

This option exports a "quality_control_states.xml" file that includes QC state definitions including custom states, descriptions, default states for the different import pathways and the default blank QC state.

Specimen Settings

This option exports a "specimen_settings.xml" file containing the groupings, location types, statuses, actors, and requirements you have defined. If you later import that archive into an existing specimen repository, any new specimen settings will be added. Any status or actor that is currently in use in the specimen repository will not be replaced from the imported archive. When you import an in-use actor, the membership emails for that actor will be replaced.

Note that there are some settings associated with specimen repositories which are not covered by this option. For example, custom properties defined for specimen tables are only exported in a full study archive.

For additional information about specimen repository settings and options, see Specimens: Administrator Guide.


This option exports a "specimens" directory containing the specimen archive itself as a .specimens file. For more about specimen archives, see Specimen Archive File Reference. Note that this archive includes the data only - select export of specimen repository settings separately as described above.

Treatment Data

Include information about study products and immunization treatments including immunogens, adjuvants, doses, and routes.

Visit Map

This option exports a "visit_map.xml" file detailing the baseline and visit schedule for the exported study.

More: For more information about export options and study schema, see Study Import/Export Files and Formats.