Class DeleteCommand

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DeleteCommand extends BaseStorageCommand
Delete an existing LabKey Freezer Manager storage item. Note that deletion of freezers or locations within the freezer hierarchy will cascade the delete down the hierarchy to remove child locations and terminal storage locations. Samples in the deleted freezer location(s) will not be deleted but will be removed from storage.

Storage items can be of the following types: Physical Location, Freezer, Shelf, Rack, Canister, Storage Unit Type, or Terminal Storage Location. One of these values must be set as the "type" for the StorageRow provided to the DeleteCommand constructor.

For the DeleteCommand, the "rowId" primary key value is required to be set within the StorageRow. This can be set directly in the "props" map or via the StorageRow setRowId() method.


  // May need to add CONTEXT_PATH for dev instances
  Connection cn = new Connection("http://localhost:8080", user, password);

  // Create Physical Location for freezer
  StorageRow row = new StorageRow();
  row.setType("Physical Location");
  row.setProps(Map.of("name", "Building #1", "description", "Test physical location"));
  CreateCommand cmd = new CreateCommand(row);
  StorageCommandResponse response = cmd.execute(cn, "PROJECT_NAME");
  Integer buildingRowId = response.getRowId();

  // Create a freezer in Building #1
  row = new StorageRow();
  row.setProps(Map.of("name", "Freezer A", "description", "Test freezer from API", "serialNumber", "ABC123", "locationId", buildingRowId));
  cmd = new CreateCommand(row);
  response = cmd.execute(cn, "PROJECT_NAME");
  Integer freezerRowId = response.getRowId();

  // Add two shelves to the freezer (note you can add additional non-terminal storage items to create
  // the freezer hierarchy that matches your physical freezer)
  row = new StorageRow();
  row.setProps(Map.of("name", "Shelf #1", "description", "Test shelf in Freezer A", "locationId", freezerRowId));
  cmd = new CreateCommand(row);
  response = cmd.execute(cn, "PROJECT_NAME");
  Integer shelf1RowId = response.getRowId();

  row = new StorageRow();
  row.setProps(Map.of("name", "Shelf #2", "description", "Another test shelf in Freezer A", "locationId", freezerRowId));
  cmd = new CreateCommand(row);
  response = cmd.execute(cn, "PROJECT_NAME");
  Integer shelf2RowId = response.getRowId();

  // Note that we are going to use an existing storage unit type that is part of the default set.
  // You can create custom storage unit types using the CreateCommand with type = "Storage Unit Type".
  SelectRowsCommand selectCommand = new SelectRowsCommand("inventory", "BoxType");
  selectCommand.addFilter(new Filter("Name", "96 Well Plate"));
  SelectRowsResponse selectResponse = selectCommand.execute(connection, containerPath);
  Integer plateTypeRowId = Integer.parseInt(selectResponse.getRows().get(0).get("RowId").toString());

  // Add two plates to the shelf
  row = new StorageRow();
  row.setType("Terminal Storage Location");
  row.setProps(Map.of("name", "Plate #1", "description", "Test plate on Shelf #1", "typeId", plateTypeRowId, "locationId", shelf1RowId));
  cmd = new CreateCommand(row);
  response = cmd.execute(cn, "PROJECT_NAME");
  Integer plate1RowId = response.getRowId();

  row = new StorageRow();
  row.setType("Terminal Storage Location");
  row.setProps(Map.of("name", "Plate #2", "description", "Another test plate on Shelf #1", "typeId", plateTypeRowId, "locationId", shelf1RowId));
  cmd = new CreateCommand(row);
  response = cmd.execute(cn, "PROJECT_NAME");
  Integer plate2RowId = response.getRowId();

  // Move Plate #2 to Shelf #2
  row = new StorageRow();
  row.setType("Terminal Storage Location");
  row.setProps(Map.of("description", "Plate moved to Shelf #2", "locationId", shelf2RowId));
  UpdateCommand updateCmd = new UpdateCommand(row);
  updateCmd.execute(cn, "PROJECT_NAME");

  // Delete the freezer, which will delete the full hierarchy of non-terminal and terminal storage locations
  row = new StorageRow();
  DeleteCommand deleteCmd = new DeleteCommand(row);
  deleteCmd.execute(cn, "PROJECT_NAME");
  • Constructor Details

    • DeleteCommand

      public DeleteCommand(StorageRow storageRow)
      Constructs a new DeleteCommand for the given StorageRow.
      storageRow - The details about the storage row to be updated.