
This run is shown with a None curve fit, but is saved with a Five Parameter curve fit. To replace
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Run Summary: NAb1

Assay ID NAb1 Experiment ID Nab32
Created 2009-09-03 Incubation Time 30
Created By eknelson Plate Number 1
Virus Name HIV-1 File ID NAbresults2
Virus ID P392 Lock Graph Y-Axis false
Host Cell T Curve Fit Method None
Study Name Demo Batch 2009-09-03 batch 2
Experiment Performer Elizabeth

Range 54871
Virus Control 55931 ± 6%
Cell Control 1060 ± 6%

  Cutoff Dilutions
  Curve Based Point Based
  50% 80% 50% 80%
526455390.2504.346 0 0 < 0 < 0
249325717.2404.493 0 0 < 0 < 0
249320619.2604.640 0 0 < 0 < 0
249328595.2604.530 0 0 < 0 < 0
526455350.4404.456 0 0 < 0 < 0

Specimen ID Participant ID Visit ID Date Dilution Factor Initial Dilution Method Sample Description Fit Error
526455390.2504.346 249318596 2804.0 2008-09-02 3.0 20.0 Dilution 0.0
249325717.2404.493 249320107 2804.0 2008-07-30 3.0 20.0 Dilution 0.0
249320619.2604.640 249320127 2804.0 2009-01-06 3.0 20.0 Dilution 0.0
249328595.2604.530 249320489 2804.0 2008-12-03 3.0 20.0 Dilution 0.0
526455350.4404.456 249320897 2804.0 2008-07-20 3.0 20.0 Dilution 0.0

Sample Information

Dilution Neut.
Dilution Neut.
Dilution Neut.
Dilution Neut.
Dilution Neut.

Plate Data

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
A 1127 58841 55047 54635 67160 68577 51202 53183 46542 47310 51260 65405
B 1157 60238 62763 55203 60637 59997 50769 55758 46129 48534 55922 58062
C 1079 57679 55033 52080 51618 59988 51889 32939 43464 47869 59587 58180
D 979 54229 51975 48816 40683 44913 36398 37947 26743 29778 41854 50594
E 1064 56641 45620 55141 34102 33577 25995 26078 21867 20680 32887 34359
F 1021 55918 36268 34185 14080 14551 11718 15620 11247 11401 13470 13752
G 1007 53136 22332 21760 6317 6289 6103 5865 4457 5612 4083 4777
H 1047 50767 8913 9036 4098 3989 3514 3393 2094 2113 1896 1635