MS1 peak areas/msInspect support

CPAS Forum (Inactive)
MS1 peak areas/msInspect support ashoka  2013-05-09 08:47
Status: Closed
Apologies if this question has been answered already. I have also not checked the changelogs to see if this feature is dropped.

Is msinspect for MS1 peak area integration available in LabKey? I remember using this feature in the past but with the new version I didn't see the option. If its not available, are there any other methods to obtain the MS1 peak areas in LabKey?

jeckels responded:  2013-05-10 17:17
Hi Ashoka,

We haven't removed any MS1/msInspect support. Are you working inside of a folder that's of type 'MS1'? If so, you should be able to browse to an mzXML (or RAW file if you've configured conversion on your server), select it, click on Import Data, and choose "msInspect Find Features" in the dialog.

You can also use the "Admin" button to configure the msInspect options to show up directly on the toolbar instead of only being available in the Import Data dialog.
