Rlabkey error in getting "Names" from "MS2SearchRuns" ashoka  2013-08-19 15:24
Status: Closed
Hi guys,

I am issuing the following command after loading the Rlabkey package in R:

labkey.selectRows(baseUrl="http://myserver:8080/labkey/",folderPath="/myProject", schemaName="ms2",queryName="MS2SearchRuns")

I am getting the following error:
Error in if (mod == "date") { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
In addition: Warning message:
In d[is.na(d)] <- as.Date(s[is.na(d)], "%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S") :
  number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
My connection to the server seems to be fine and other commands from Rlabkey work as expected. In "Query Schema Browser" I can see the data when I press "VIEW DATA".
Any idea why this happens?
jeckels responded:  2013-08-23 09:28
Hi Ashoka,

Does this command work for you?

labkey.selectRows(baseUrl="https://www.labkey.org/",folderPath="/home/cpas/demo", schemaName="ms2",queryName="MS2SearchRuns");

If so, there could be an issue with one of the run's names or other columns that's not being properly encoded/decoded. Could you attach the results of doing a export of this data grid to TSV from the UI?

If not, there may be some sort of issue with the Rlabkey or other R packages on which it depends. What version of R are you running?
