Importing excel files

CPAS Forum (Inactive)
Importing excel files jacoffer  2014-09-29 16:25
Status: Closed
My lab uses Gen5 plate reader software for the BioTek Synergy plate reader. After exporting all the data into an excel file, LabKey doesn't recognize the file for upload. The error message says "XXX.xls does not appear to be a valid data file: unable to locate cell values."

The data was exported using the standard excel export option. We are using Windows 7 Enterprise and Google Chrome browser.
jeckels responded:  2014-09-29 17:31

Are you attempting to load the data into an assay, a list, a dataset, or some other target within LabKey Server? If you're using an assay, what type of assay design did you create (General, NAb, Luminex, etc)?

Would it be possible for you to attach a sample Excel file here for us to review?
