Why cannot I associate the FlowJo workspace file with its fcs files?

Flow Forum (Inactive)
Why cannot I associate the FlowJo workspace file with its fcs files? gang_zhang  2010-12-14 11:53
Status: Closed
we are now assessing using the labkey platform to manage our database.

After importing a FlowJo workspace file into the database, we proceed to 'Associate FCS Files'. I tried many times but could not link the FlowJo workspace with the fcs files. The error message was 'None of the samples used by the workspace were found in the selected directory 'null'.'

Anyone has the same experience or knows how to solve the problem?
Matthew Bellew responded:  2011-01-03 16:54
As discussed over the phone, this is due to lack of support for the most recent FlowJo workspace files. We need to at least recognize this case and present a clear error message. Hopefully, the work for full (or partial) support will be funded soon.
Andy Straw responded:  2012-03-16 05:08
The last posting I see on this issue was over a year ago. Can you provide an update on the status or plans (if any) for support of newer versions of FlowJo workspaces? What is the latest version of FlowJo (Windows and Mac) for which workspaces can be imported successfully into LabKey?


kevink responded:  2012-03-16 09:35
Good news! We support the Mac 9.4.10 and Windows 7.6.5 workspaces in the upcoming 12.1 release. The Windows 7.6.5 workspace support is new and don't support every feature yet -- ellipse gates for example.

I'd like to take a look the workspace to see which features are used and to test importing. Can you upload a workspace and some FCS files to the Rochester space on labkey.org:


Andy Straw responded:  2012-03-16 12:07
This **is** good news.

I uploaded a zip file to the Rochester project space: RochesterFlowDataFiles.zip. I am new to flow cytometry, FlowJo, and the Flow module of LabKey. I was given this zip file and told that it was an example from one of our labs. The "tubes" folder has FCS files - some for compensation (not exactly sure what that means). There is an xml file at the top level that I thought was supposed to be a FlowJo workspace file, but when I loaded it as a workspace into FlowJo 7.6.5, I got nothing (no data, no errors). If you can make use of these files, great. If not, let me know, and I'll investigate further on my end, and try to get some better data/files.

