discuss page - Add Sample Descriptions

Flow Forum (Inactive)
discuss page - Add Sample Descriptions hanna pincas  2012-12-18 14:28
Status: Closed

Today I took the ‘Import a Flow Workspace Tutorial’, and then looked at the ‘Add Sample Descriptions’ page.

1. On the ‘Add Sample Descriptions’ page, I was unable to locate the Excel file in the “Workspaces” folder of the demo data (labkey-flow-demo). The “Workspaces” folder only contains 3 files: an XML file, a JO file, and a JOT file. How can I locate the Excel file?
2. My understanding is that adding sample information and other metadata to a Flow Cytometry project is only optional; it is done by selecting ‘Upload Sample Descriptions’ and/or ‘Other settings’ on the Flow Dashboard. Am I correct?
kevink responded:  2012-12-18 15:08
I'm sorry, I think the flow tutorial data is out of date. I'll update the tutorial data shortly and send you an email when it is available.

Yes, the sample information is entirely optional. It allows you to add additional information not originally captured as keywords in the FCS file. What you choose to include in the sample information is completely up to you.

Yes, you are correct -- use the 'Upload Sample Descriptions' to add sample information. Once uploaded, you will need to specify how the sample information and the FCS file are joined together in the 'Other settings > Join samples to FCS File Data' page by picking a FCS keyword column that matches one of the sample columns. After setting the join fields, you will see a new 'Sample' column on the flow.FCSFile table where you can pull in the sample information.

In email you asked about entering the "minimum information" requirements. I think you're referring to the MiFlowCyt information. We don't currently have any templates or forms to help with entering that information, but if that is something you're interested in doing, we'd love to discuss more with you.