Changing assay location from Project to Folder cschoening  2015-08-10 04:47
Status: Closed

Our users have been creating many assays. The default setting for Assay Location when you create a new assay is Project (not Current Folder). So of course, the first dozen or so assays they set up used this default setting for the assay location. Now that we've started to organize things a bit further, we've set up folders underneath the project. When you add the Assay List web-part to any folder, the assay list shows all project assays. We sort of realized too late that we should not have used the default Project assay location, because we want the assay lists to only show the assays that belong to that particular folder. I haven't been able to find a way to go back and change this setting after the assay has been created. Is there something I'm missing, and if there is no way to change this through the application, how would be go about changing it through the backend database. Alternatively, we could even settle for a way to permanently filter the assay list so it only shows the assays for the current folder location.

We're running on Tomcat/PostgreSQL.

Chris Schoening
Henry Jackson Foundation
Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2015-08-13 13:54
Hi Chris,

I'm trying to get this confirmed, but it looks like your assessment is correct. The UI does not appear to allow changing the Assay Location for an Assay once created and it doesn't appear to be editable in the Schema Browser and our Javascript API doesn't appear to have an endpoint where you could edit the Assay data that way.

Once I can get this confirmed, I will let you know.

Thank you for your patience.


Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2015-08-13 15:52
Hi Chris,

I just confirmed that changing the Assay Location isn't possible without essentially re-creating it. You could add a filter to the folder column to restrict the list of assays to just the ones defined in the current folder, but that's about it. The physical moving isn't possible at the moment since the functionality isn't there. We would have to setup special rules in the code to ensure that the scoping is correct so nothing breaks when an assay gets moved from one place to another.

