Import Schema from spreadsheet checkbox?

Study Forum (Inactive)
Import Schema from spreadsheet checkbox? wnels2  2008-10-27 07:08
Status: Closed
I'm going through the Study tutorial.
I have started the "Create a Dataset and Define its Schema" section.

I can't find the checkbox described in this step:
Click the Import schema from spreadsheet checkbox under the "Dataset Schema" section.

Have made an error in my setup or has this changed? Using 8.2. Screen capture attached.

jgarms responded:  2008-10-27 08:24
Hi Bill - Sorry, the documentation has a small error. There is an "Import Schema" button that you can click rather than a checkbox. It is inside the "Dataset Schema" section of the page that you included. If you click the button it will bring up a wizard to that will let you define a schema given an existing spreadsheet.

eknelson responded:  2008-10-27 14:06
Hi Bill and Jess,

Just wanted to say thanks for the heads-up on the need for this documentation update. Much appreciated.

I've updated both the study tutorial text and the main study documentation page for schema creation:

Thanks again,
