Study Dataset records: Created by and time replaced on modification

Study Forum (Inactive)
Study Dataset records: Created by and time replaced on modification Anthony Corbett  2013-06-24 11:05
Status: Closed
I've noticed that when a user that modifies a record it overwrites the created by user and timestamp on study datasets.

Is this expected behavior?
jeckels responded:  2013-06-25 13:48
Hi Anthony,

Behind the scenes, an update is being handled by deleting the old row and inserting a new row. This has the unfortunate side effect of losing the details of the Created and CreatedBy columns. I thought we had an open bug on this but I couldn't find it, so I opened this one:

I don't know if we'll be able to get to it as part of 13.2. We're already well into our bug-fix rampdown for the release.
