bug in dataclass lineage? camillesultana  2017-11-01 18:22
Status: Closed

I am seeing some weird behavior in the lineage for records within dataclasses. When I import records into a simple dataclass I have set up (testLink) it appears that when looking at individual records (following the details link) the child and parent data are populated appropriately under the lineage data. However if I try to show the parent (input) and child (info) within the grid view for the data class, the information is not correct. I've detailed a test case below.

I imported three records into the dataclass testLink, where test31 has the parent(input) test30 and child(output) test32. You can see these links are reflected appropriately for the detailed record for test31 (image2). The correct lineage is also seen for the individual record for test30 and test32. Under the grid view I have added two columns to show the parent(input) (Inputs/Data/testLink) and child(output) (Inputs/Data/testLink) data relationships. However, the OutputData relationship is not being displayed. Instead the parent data (inputs) is being displayed in the outputs column (image3).

This does not seem like the expected behavior. I'm trying to generate queries that utilize the parent(input) and child(output) fields/lineage, and the fact that they aren't populated correctly is a big issue.

Operating system: Windows 7
Browser: Chrome
Labkey: 17.20

camillesultana responded:  2017-11-01 18:51
In the second paragraph I meant to type the child(output) column is Outputs/Data/testLink. This was a typo. I do have the gridview set up correctly.
Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2017-11-06 00:51
Hi Camille,

I'm not seeing the conditions you're describing when testing locally.

Can you give me a step-by-step as to how you constructed your dataclass and any other steps you took (e.g. creating a sample set)?

The screenshots help, but they're not giving me enough insight on how specifically you've set things up on your end.


camillesultana responded:  2017-11-06 10:53
Sure. I was definitely surprised to find this odd behavior, as it seems to be concerning a pretty essential function. I'll try to describe everything in detail below. I have a attached a pdf with screenshots that should also help with following along

1. I have under the home folder, a folder named "PratherData" with two tabs that I have set up (FindInfo and AddEditInfo).
2. When I go to AddEditInfo tab and the DataClass webpart, I click "insert new row".
3. I then give a name and description for the DataClass and then click create.
4. On the next screen I hit save, without adding additional fields. Don't need them to test the lineage.
5. Then on the dataclass page on the datagrid Insert --> Import Bulk Data.
6. I then create an excel file with three new records in it (new1, new2, and new3) where new2's parent is new1 and child is new3.
7. I write this file to a tab delimited text file and copy the text in the file to the "copy/paste text" field.
8. I click on new2 and see that the lineage information is recorded correctly.
9. Under the datagrid view I select "customize view" and then click "show hidden fields" to show the "Input" and "Output" fields.
10. I go to Inputs--> Data and click on testLink2 (the name of my dataclass). I rename this field on the right to "DataInput".
11. I go to Outputs--> Data and click on testLink2 (the name of my dataclass). I rename this field on the right to "DataOutput".
12. I click "view grid" and my DataInput and DataOutput fields are identical, which is obviously incorrect. :(

I have tried inserting the data a few different ways, but I always seem to get this issue.

Once again I'm running Windows 7, Chrome, and LabKey 17.2.
Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2017-11-10 19:48
Hi Camille,

Thank you for providing your detailed steps and screenshots.

So your expectation is that when you're looking at information, you're expecting to see something more like this, correct? (See attached)

Note: The screenshot is just a mockup. Following your repro steps, I had the same results as you did.


camillesultana responded:  2017-11-27 10:04
Hi Jon,

Sorry for the slow response. I have been out of town for a couple weeks.

I would expect what your screenshot shows, with the addition that new1 should show new2 as an output (third row).

However, what is the solution here? Is there some way to initialize or enter dataclass records that doesn't conjure up what I assume is a bug? Has this been reported as a bug and if so could you tell me the Issue ID so that I can follow it? Will I then need to upgrade the Labkey Server instance for the fix to be initialized on my end?

Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2017-12-05 21:31
Hi Camille,

Thanks for confirming. I'll need to confirm with our developers, but it does look like that this would be a bug when it comes to the dataclass behavior.

I'll circle back with you once I have a bug tracking number.


Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2017-12-06 16:00
Hi Camille,

Bug https://www.labkey.org/home/Developer/issues/issues-details.view?issueId=32408 has been created on this.

I went over it with our Devs and confirmed this is a bug regression, so it will be worked on.

As soon as I get an expectation on a fix, I'll let you know.


Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2018-02-20 21:30
Hi Camille,

Just an FYI, we've fixed this issue in the upcoming 18.1 Release of LabKey.

You will need to enable the Experimental Feature called "Lineage performance improvements", but it will work the way you expected it to.

The 18.1 Release of LabKey will be out sometime mid-March, so please check back on our site and your email for communication on the official release.

