Specimen may not be edited when it's in a non-final request. marcia hon  2017-11-08 12:01
Status: Closed
I tried both a final and non-final request, however, I cannot update it.

Please let me know what I'm missing.

Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2017-11-10 20:36
Hello Marcia,

Specimens must be in a final state in order to be editable.

Per our Edit Specimen Data page (https://www.labkey.org/Documentation/wiki-page.view?name=specimenEdit):

An attempt to edit specimen data will fail if that specimen is in a request that is not in a final state.
When you edit a SpecimenDetail row, it is processed as if you imported a specimen archive containing only that 1 row of edited data, and no previous events for the vial are considered, so there will be no conflicts with previous events. Requestability rules are still applied and QC flags can be used to catch consistency issues.

If you are not able to edit the specimen, are you getting any kind of error message? Can you provide us with a screenshot of what you're seeing?

Also, is the Specimen Repository set to be editable? If you are not certain of this, please go into your study and do the following:

1. Select the Manage tab.
2. Click Select Repository Type.
3. Check the radio button for Editable.
4. Click Submit.

