Bug when clearing a dual-filtered column Will Holtz  2018-06-10 09:00
Status: Closed


Here is a reproduction of what looks like a bug to me:

  1. http://localhost:8080/labkey/query/home/executeQuery.view?schemaName=core&query.queryName=Users
  2. Click on email column header -> Filter...
  3. Create dual filter with "Contains" the string "@" and "Is Not Blank"
  4. Try to remove the "Is Not Blank" filter by click on the orange ''X' by the filter description in the grid header.

Result: Both filters are removed
Expected: Only Is Not Blank filter is removed and Contains @ filter is retained.


Will Holtz responded:  2018-06-10 09:01

This is on v18.1

Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2018-06-16 00:01
Hi Will,

I'll have this passed onto our UX Team to evaluate.

In the meantime, if you need to workaround this, just re-select the option to do the filter again for the column, which will allow you access to edit the second filter and clear your selection in the second section.


Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2018-06-16 00:06
Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2018-06-26 22:38
Hi Will,

So the design has been changed to where it treats the entire dual search as one single entity, so rather than it showing as two separate search parameters with an X on each, it shows both within a single field (see screenshot).

This will be seen in the 18.2 Release of LabKey sometime in mid-July.


Will Holtz responded:  2018-06-27 10:33
Hi Jon,

That sounds like a good way of dealing with the issue. Thanks to everyone for getting this done in time for v18.2!
