Length of a Column Exceeds 4000 characters A. Tyrell  2018-02-21 13:04
Status: Closed

I would like to import data in either a list or a dataset but I am running into an issue where I cannot import a column if its length exceeds 4000 characters.
I changed the data type from Text to Memo as well.


Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2018-02-21 14:01
Hi Alicia,

Per our meeting, if you go into the list, you can change the size of the column length by going into the Advanced tab for the Field Properties editor and change it there.


By default, it's set to 4000, but you can change it to be smaller or bigger. If you use the option "Max", it will be as large as what the underlying database will allow. Please note that there are some limitations to this, such as the Primary Key field not allowing the Max setting.

