Project User View error code 45B01R? WayneH  2019-11-06 07:13
Status: Closed

Good morning..

We recently found an error in one of our projects that has multiple group assignments to users. It appears as if the group ids are being interpreted as a string instead of integer values when there are multiple. One of the errors codes we got is 45B01R.. It generally says it cannot cannot convert the group ids to integer. We have two server implementations same version this one is the only one that shows the error.. the behavior this causes is the project user view cannot show the complete list of users because it stops rendering the list when it hits the error.

Any thoughts?

Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2019-11-22 12:02
Hi Wayne,

The error code unfortunately doesn't help us here. We will need the full stack to properly identify what is going on.

Please provide the full stack error along with the specific version of LabKey you're seeing this on, including the build Id number which can be found in the Module Information section by expanding the + sign on one of the existing modules (I recommend expanding on Core to get this information).


WayneH responded:  2019-11-22 12:16
Thanks for the response Jon,

forgot to follow up on the resolution of this.. It was simply the group_concat function was not updated when the server was migrated.. Easily fixed with the script provided on your website.
