Remove "Name" field from derive sample forms katy wiseman  2024-02-29 03:05
Status: Active


I'm trying to remove the name field from the deriving samples forms becasue my users will fill any available field and ruin my automated naming. I've worked out how to remove it from input forms through "edit metadata" and advanced setting, but I can't work out how/if I can remover it from here as well.

Any ideas?

This is LabKey community and we're on version 23.11.5 as of today!



mohara responded:  2024-02-29 13:40

Hi Katy:

That's great about the upgrade.
Did you mean to attach an image of where you are trying to remove the name field? If it's the editing panel, there is an advanced setting for the field to hide it there as well.

Also, I believe you're familiar with our Sample Manager and Biologics products, which both include features specifically designed for things like auto-generating custom/meaningful names, and protecting those names from user overwrites.


katy wiseman responded:  2024-03-04 06:09

Hi Molly,

I thought about it but then didn't, so I've attahced the screenshot here. I've managed to remove it from the insert row form, and on the editing, but not in the derive sample - output sample window.



mohara responded:  2024-03-05 09:12

Hi Katy:

As I believe you've heard from my colleague, you're right that in the LabKey Server interface, there isn't a way to hide that Name field on that Output Samples panel (though it need not be populated if you have a naming pattern for the Sample Type). In the Sample Manager or Biologics applications, the equivalent derivation operation will let you hide that field as well as prevent users from providing their own names for samples at all. Let us know if we can provide more information here.
