Author Role eva pujadas  2015-07-28 07:14
Status: Closed
We are running LabKey 15.1, and we see in the Web interface, when setting permissions for a folder, the following Author Role description:
"Authors may read and add information in some cases, but may update and delete only information they added."

When trying such role using the impersonate function, it seems that Authors can create data and view all data (not only data belonging to the current user), but they are not able to update or delete the data created by themselves.
Also, that seems to apply only for lists, and not for datasets.
How does that correspond with the Author Role description? Are we understanding that incorrectly?

Is there a way to give a user permissions to edit/delete and to view only data created by him/herself, both in lists and datasets?

Thank you very much,
Eva Pujadas
Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2015-07-31 16:01
Hi Eva,

So the Author role is setup to do the following:

1. Lets you create new data and modify & delete your own data
2. Lets you only read (and not modify) the work of others

For example, a user assigned the author role can edit or delete their own message board posts, but not anyone else's posts. Mind you, this just applies to Folder-level permissions. Datasets are another story.

Your datasets have permissions of "None", "Read", and "Edit". So regardless if the person is an author, they can only read/edit/insert depending on the dataset permission as well.

For more information on our roles, please see:

