cannot start Labkey Server on Linux

Installation Forum (Inactive)
cannot start Labkey Server on Linux ytm4  2015-10-29 10:47
Status: Closed
I tried to start the Labkey server (version 15.2) on Linux machine. I got the error messages please see the attached log file.

Please help me!


Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2015-10-29 13:08
Hi Haibin,

The error you received indicates that you're missing the experiment.module file, which is odd since that comes standard with a basic install of LabKey.

Can you go into the directory you have LabKey installed in and check the modules folder? There should be an experiment subfolder and an experiment.module file listed there.

If you do not see it there, you will need to re-install the binaries again from the zip file or tar file you originally got your version of LabKey from.


ytm4 responded:  2015-10-29 13:18
Hi Jon,

I checked the modules folder. There is no experiment subfolder but there is a file "experiment.module".

Do you know what should I do?


Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2015-10-29 13:23
Hi Haibin,

Can you restart Tomcat again? The folder gets created after the module is unpacked the first time during the startup.

Just shut off the Tomcat service and start it back up again, then try to access LabKey via your browser.


ytm4 responded:  2015-10-29 13:33
Hi Jon,

Still the same error. I did not set up the local postgres in labkey.xml. Will that be a reason for failure?

HTTP Status 404 - /labkey/


type Status report

message /labkey/

description The requested resource is not available.


Apache Tomcat/7.0.65


Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2015-10-29 13:46
Hi Haibin,

You cannot run LabKey without configuring the database.

Can you please review our install docs here and make sure that you not only have the pre-requisites, but you have them configured as well?


ytm4 responded:  2015-10-30 08:10
Hi Jon,

I configured the labkey.xml and restart the tomcat. This time there is no log file for labkey.log or labkey-errors.log. There are only 3 log files: catalina.2015-10-30.log, catalina.out and localhost_access_log.2015-10-30.txt.

There are no error messages in catalina.out or catalina.2015-10-30.log files.

But I cannot access the /labkey by browser.


Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2015-10-30 11:46
Hi Haibin,

Did you have a chance to review the LabKey install documentation I provided you earlier?

Your labkey.xml file is still suspect here. For example, you have the following listed as the first line:

<Context docBase="/scicomp/home/ytm4/LabKey15.2-39349.20-bin" debug="0" reloadable="true" crossContext="true">

This tells us that you are trying to use the unzipped directory that was created from the original zip file where the binaries were rather than setup a LabKey Server home directory as described here:

That docBase should be pointing to a /labkeywebapp subfolder from the LabKey Server home directory as described here under the appDocBase attribute:

It seems you have the required components (Tomcat, Java, Postgresql, the LabKey binaries), but you need to configure them properly now by moving the files/folders to the correct location and update the LabKey.XML file accordingly.

Can you review those two links I provided and go through them step-by-step. I know they're a little long, but if you follow along with both of them starting with the first link above, your install should work just fine.

