Import Assay Design


The topic explains how to import a pre-prepared assay design file, or XAR file.

Import Assay Design Archive (.XAR)

  • Upload the XAR file to the Files web part to your assay project.
  • In the Files web part, select the XAR file and click Import Data.
  • In the popup dialog select Import Experiment and click Import.
  • Refresh your Assay List web part.
  • The new assay will appear in list of available designs. If it does not appear immediately, it is still being uploaded, so wait a moment and refresh your browser window again.

You can now import individual run data files to the assay design.

Assay design import/export is not available for plate-based assays that use templates (such as NAb and ELISpot), but it is available for Generic-type assays and Luminex assays. Import/export does not currently support transform scripts, but does support validation properties (regular expressions and range checks on fields).


An example XAR file is included in the LabKeyDemoFiles at LabKeyDemoFiles/Assays/Generic/GenericAssayShortcut.xar.
