Run Groups


Run groups allow you to assign various types of runs (MS1, MS2, Luminex, etc) to different groups. You can define any groups that you like. Some examples might be separate groups for case and control, a group to hold all of your QC runs, or separate groups for each of the different instruments you use in the lab. Run groups are scoped to a particular folder inside of LabKey Server.

Create Run Groups and Associate Runs with Run Groups

From a list of runs, select the runs you want to add to the group and click on the "Add to run group" button. You'll see a popup menu. If you haven't already created the run group, click on "Create new run group."

This will bring you a page that asks you information about the run group. You must give it a name, and can provide additional information if you like. Clicking on "Submit" will create the run group, and add the runs you selected to it. It will then return you to the list of runs.

Continue this process to define all the groups that you want. You can also add runs to existing run groups.

The "Run Groups" column will show all of the groups to which a run belongs.

Viewing Run Groups

You can click on the name of a run group in the "Run Groups" column within a run list to see its details. You can also add the "Run Groups" web part to your folder, or access it through the Experiment module (Admin > Go to Module > More Modules > Experiment).

You can edit the run group's information, as well as view all of the run group's runs. LabKey Server will attempt to determine the most specific type of run that describes all of the runs in the list and give you the related set of options.

Viewing Group Information from an Individual Run

From either the text or graphical view of an experiment run, you have access to a list of all the run groups in the current folder.

Filtering a Run List by Run Group Membership

You can add columns to your list of runs that let you filter by run group membership. In the MS2 Runs web part, select Grid View > Customize Grid. Expand the "Run Group Toggle" node in the tree. Check the boxes for the group or groups that you want to add (in this example, we choose both "K Score" and "Native Score"). Click Save.

Your run list will now include columns with checkboxes that show if a run belongs to the group. You can toggle the checkboxes to change the group memberships. You can also add a filter where the value is equal to TRUE or FALSE to restrict the list of runs based on group membership.