Community Edition Modules


Modules are the functional building blocks of LabKey Server. A folder's functionality is determined by the set of modules that are enabled in that folder. The Folder Type of a project or folder determines an initial set of enabled modules, and additional modules included in the deployment can be enabled as necessary. For details see Enable a Module in a Folder.

To learn which modules are included in the various editions of LabKey Server, see Modules in LabKey Server Editions.

This topic provides a few details about some modules included in the standard distribution of LabKey Server Community Edition.


Provides a ready-to-use message board where users can post announcements and files, and participate in threaded discussions. See Messages.


Assay framework and the Standard assay type. See Assay Data.


Records user activity on the server. See Audit Log / Audit Site Activity.


The Core module provides central services such administration, folder management, user management, module upgrade, file attachments, analytics, and portal page management.


The Experiment module provides annotation of experiments based on FuGE-OM standards. This module defines the XAR (eXperimental ARchive) file format for importing and exporting experiment data and annotations, and allows user-defined custom annotations for specialized protocols and data.


The FileContent module lets you share files on your LabKey Server via the web.


The Issues module provides a ready-to-use workflow system for tracking tasks and problems across a group.


Lists are light-weight data tables, often used to hold utility data that supports an application or project, such as a list of instrument configurations.


The Data Pipeline module uploads experiment data files to LabKey Server. You can track the progress of uploads and view log and output files. These provide further details on the progress of data files through the pipeline, from file conversion to the final location of the analyzed runs.


The Query module allows you to create customized views by filtering and sorting data.


The Search module offers full-text search of server contents, implemented by Lucene.


The Study module provides a variety of tools for integration of heterogeneous data types, such as demographic, clinical, and experimental data. Cohorts and participant groups are also supported by this module.


The Survey module supports custom user surveys for collecting user information, feedback, or participant data.


Implements the core data visualization features, including box plots, scatter plots, time charts, etc.


The Wiki module provides a simple publishing tool for creating and editing web pages on the LabKey site. It includes the Wiki, Narrow Wiki, and Wiki TOC web parts.

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