Wiki Syntax: Macros


In documents written in wiki syntax, macros can make it easy to get the look and behavior you need. This topic lists the available macros and provides several usage examples.

List of Macros

The following macros work when encased in curly braces. Parameters values follow the macro name, separated by colons. Escape special characters such as "[" and "{" within your macro text using a backslash. For example, {list-of-macros} was used to create the following table:

anchorAnchor Tagname: The target anchor name.
Example: {anchor:name=section1}
apiGenerates links to Java or Ruby API documentation.1: class name, e.g. java.lang.Object or java.lang.Object@Java131
2: mode, e.g. Java12, Ruby, defaults to Java (optional)
api-docsDisplays a list of known online API documentations and mappings.none
asinGenerates links to DVD/CD dealers or comparison services. Configuration is read from conf/asinservices.txt1: asin number
codeDisplays a chunk of code with syntax highlighting, for example Java, XML and SQL. The none type will do nothing and is useful for unknown code types.1: syntax highlighter to use, defaults to java (optional)
commentWraps comment text (which will not appear on the rendered wiki page).none
divWraps content in a div tag with an optional CSS class and/or style specified.class: the CSS class that should be applied to this tag.
style: the CSS style that should be applied to this tag.

Example: {div:class=bluebox}...{div}
file-pathDisplays a file system path. The file path should use slashes. Defaults to windows.1: file path
h1Wraps content in a h1 tag with an optional CSS class and/or style specified.class: the CSS class that should be applied to this tag.
style: the CSS style that should be applied to this tag.
helloSay hello example macro.1: name to print
imageDisplays an image file.img: the path to the image.
alt: alt text (optional)
align: alignment of the image (left, right, flow-left, flow-right) (optional)

Example: {image:img=|align=right}
videoDisplays a video from an external URL at the width and height given.height: in pixels
width: in pixels

Example: {video:|height:500|width:750}
inter-wikiDisplays a list of known InterWiki mappings.none
isbnGenerates links to book dealers or comparison services. Configuration is read from conf/bookservices.txt.1: isbn number
labkeyBase LabKey macro, used for including data from the LabKey Server portal into wikis.tree : renders a LabKey navigation menu.
treeId: the id of the menu to render can be one of the following: core.projects, core.CurrentProject, core.projectAdmin, core.folderAdmin, core.SiteAdmin
linkGenerate a weblink. 
list-of-macrosDisplays a list of available macros. 
mailtoDisplays an email address.1: mail address
new-tab-linkDisplays a link that opens in a new tab.1. Text to display
2. Link to open in a new tab.

Example: {new-tab-link:DisplayText|}
quoteDisplays quotations.1: The source for the quote (optional)
2: Displayed description, default is Source (optional)

Example: {quote:|Link}Four score and seven years ago{quote}
rfcGenerates links to RFCs. 
spanWraps content in a span tag with an optional CSS class and/or style specified. Also supports Font Awesome icons.class: the CSS class that should be applied to this tag.
style: the CSS style that should be applied to this tag.

Example: {span:class=fa fa-arrow-right}{span}
tableDisplays a table.none
xrefGenerates links to Java Xref source code.1: class name, e.g. java.lang.Object or java.lang.Object@Nanning
2: line number (optional)

Example: Using the Code Formatting Macro

Encase text that you wish to format as code between two {code} tags. For example,

// Hello World in Java

class HelloWorld {
static public void main( String args[] ) {
System.out.println( "Hello World!" );

Using "code:java" specifies that the Java formatting option should be used, the default behavior. The above will render as:

// Hello World in Java

class HelloWorld {
static public void main( String args[] ) {
System.out.println( "Hello World!" );

Example: The LabKey Macro

Displays a variety of menus on the server. For example:


displays the folders in the Documentation project:

Possible values:


Example: Strike Through

The following wiki code...

Strike through this text.

...renders text with a line through it.

Strike through this text.

Example: Using the {div} Macro to Apply Inline CSS Styles

The {div} macro lets you inject arbitrary CSS styles into your wiki page, either as an inline CSS style, or as a class in a separate CSS file.

The following example demonstrates injecting inline CSS styles to the wiki code.

The following wiki code...

{div:style=background-color: #FCAE76;
border:1px solid #FE7D1F;
padding-left:20px; padding-right:15px;
margin-left:25px; margin-right:25px}

- list item 1
- list item 2
- list item 3


...renders in the browser as shown below:

  • list item 1
  • list item 2
  • list item 3

Example: Using the {div} Macro to Apply CSS Classes

To apply a CSS class in wiki code, first create a CSS file that contains your class:

.bluebox { 
background-color: #E7EFF4;
border:1px solid #dee0e1;
padding: 10px 13px;
margin: 10px 20px;

Then upload this CSS file to your LabKey Server as a custom stylesheet, either site-wide or for a specific project. Learn how in this topic:

Finally, refer to your CSS class with a wrapper {div}:

Some text in an instruction box:

- list item 1
- list item 2
- list item 3

And it will appear in your wiki as:

Some text in an instruction box:
  • list item 1
  • list item 2
  • list item 3

Example: Using the {anchor} Macro

To define a target anchor:


To link to the target anchor within the same document:

[Link to anchor|#someName]

To link to the target anchor in another document, where the document name is docName.

[Link to anchor|docName#someName]

Example: Colored Text Inline

  • To create
{div:style=color:red;display:inline-block}RED TEXT{div}

Example: Image Float


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