When you create a wiki page using Markdown, the following commonly used syntax will generate the listed effects:

**bold text** bold text
_italicized text_ italicized text
~~strikethrough~~ strikethrough
## Main Heading Main Heading
### Sub Heading Sub Heading
#### Minor Heading Minor Heading
##### Inner Heading Inner Heading
- Three Equivalent Symbols+ For Indicating Bullet* List Items
  • Three Symbols For
  • Indicating Bullet
  • List Items
- Indent Two More Spaces For  - Each Level of    - Nested Bullet
  • Indent Two Spaces For
    • Each Level of
      • Nested Bullet
[link to LabKey.com] (https://www.labkey.com) link to LabKey.com
[inline link with hover text] (https://www.labkey.com "Hover Text") inline link with hover text
'inline code' inline code


Block of code with ''' on surrounding lines as "fences"


Block of code with ''' on surrounding lines as "fences"

expand allcollapse all