File Repository Sorting

LabKey Trial Support
File Repository Sorting vcleveland  2019-10-11 11:38
Status: Closed

I am trying to setup a repository for MRI DICOM and 3D Mesh files. I am using some pictures from a camping trip as dummy files. I've added a few Properties (all single line text <10 characters) to test out the repository and to represent metadata later on. In the toolbar and grid settings I've checked those properties to be sortable. When working in the file repository I can not sort by the custom properties. When I try and sort by the property is just sorts by the file name instead.

My goal is to make a system where a user can sort and filter these files and download the results in bulk. I'll worry about more advanced features later.

Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2019-10-26 00:56

This appears to be a bug. I'll test this behavior further and escalate the issue to our developers, but it appears that custom properties for the FileContent browser doesn't do a proper sorting.


Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2019-11-26 23:02
Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2020-02-26 18:53

We unfortunately are not able to allow custom fields to sort due to performance problems.

As such, we have updated our UI to better reflect the behavior, which in this case is to no longer make it look like it can sort custom fields.

We apologize for any inconvenience this lack of functionality may cause.

