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Physical Exam.xls

data Participant ID Date Height (cm) Weight (kg) Temperature (C) Systolic Blood Pressure xxx/ Diastolic Blood Pressure /xxx Pulse Respirations Clinician Signature/Date Pregnancy Form Language ARV? ARV Regimen Type 101344 2008-04-27 173.0000 68 37.0 117 83 61 101344 2008-05-25 175.0000 69 36.8 145 103 71 101344 2008-06-22 175.0000 71 38.2 166 101 68 101344 2008-08-17 173.0000 73 36.5 125 95 74...


ParticipantId date QCStateLabel StartDate Country Language Gender TreatmentGroup Group Status Comments Height SequenceNum 101344 2008-04-27 00:00:00.0 Not Yet Reviewed 2008-04-27 00:00:00.0 Germany English f ARV Group 1: Acute HIV-1 -1.0 103505 2008-04-24 00:00:00.0 Not Yet Reviewed 2008-04-24 00:00:00.0 Germany French f ARV Group 1: Acute HIV-1 -1.0 103866 2008-04-21 00:00:00.0 Not Yet Reviewed...


ParticipantId date QCStateLabel StartDate Country Language Gender TreatmentGroup Group Status Comments Height SequenceNum 101344 2008-04-27 00:00:00.0 Not Yet Reviewed 2008-04-27 00:00:00.0 Germany English f No ARV Group 1: Acute HIV-1 -1.0 103505 2008-04-24 00:00:00.0 Not Yet Reviewed 2008-04-24 00:00:00.0 Germany French f ARV Group 1: Acute HIV-1 -1.0 103866 2008-04-21 00:00:00.0 Not Yet Reviewed...


ParticipantId date QCStateLabel CD4 Lymphocytes Hemoglobin ViralLoad 101344 2008-04-30 00:00:00.0 811 1491 14.0 101344 2008-05-28 00:00:00.0 794 1446 13.0 101344 2008-06-25 00:00:00.0 653 1560 12.0 101344 2008-07-23 00:00:00.0 1176 1486 11.0 101344 2008-08-20 00:00:00.0 Not Yet Reviewed 1292 1343 11.0 10000 101344 2008-09-17 00:00:00.0 1210 1186 12.0 101344 2008-10-15 00:00:00.0 1158 1320...

HIV Disease Progression - Demo Study-Lab Results-2019-04-11-0952.tsv

ParticipantId date QCStateLabel CD4 Lymphocytes Hemoglobin ViralLoad 101344 2008-04-30 00:00:00.0 811 1491 14.0 101344 2008-05-28 00:00:00.0 794 1446 13.0 101344 2008-06-25 00:00:00.0 653 1560 12.0 101344 2008-07-23 00:00:00.0 1176 1486 11.0 101344 2008-08-20 00:00:00.0 Not Yet Reviewed 1292 1343 11.0 10000 101344 2008-09-17 00:00:00.0 1210 1186 12.0 101344 2008-10-15 00:00:00.0 1158 1320...


ParticipantId date QCStateLabel Weight_kg Temp_C SystolicBloodPressure DiastolicBloodPressure Pulse Respirations Signature Pregnancy Language ARV ARVtype height_cm 101344 2008-04-27 00:00:00.0 68 37.0 117 83 61 173.0 101344 2008-05-25 00:00:00.0 69 36.8 145 103 71 175.0 101344 2008-06-22 00:00:00.0 71 38.2 166 101 68 175.0 101344 2008-08-17 00:00:00.0 73 36.5 125 95 74 ...

Lab Results.xls

data ParticipantID Source_Lsid Date Day CD4+ Lymphs Hemoglobin Cohort Viral_Load 101344 2009-03-04 311 1570 1455 15.0 101344 2008-04-30 3 811 1491 14.0 101344 2008-07-23 87 1176 1486 11.0 101344 2008-08-20 115 1292 1343 11.0 101344 2008-09-17 143 1210 1186 12.0 101344 2008-10-15 171 1158 1320 13.0 101344 2008-11-12 199 1059 1442 14.0 101344 2008-12-10 227 772 1591 15.0 101344 2009-01-07...

Lab Results.xls

data Participant ID Source Lsid Date Day CD4+ (cells/mm3) Lymphs (cells/mm3) Hemoglobin Cohort Viral Load 101344 2009-03-04 311 1570 1455 15.0 101344 2008-04-30 3 811 1491 14.0 101344 2008-07-23 87 1176 1486 11.0 101344 2008-08-20 115 1292 1343 11.0 101344 2008-09-17 143 1210 1186 12.0 101344 2008-10-15 171 1158 1320 13.0 101344 2008-11-12 199 1059 1442 14.0 101344 2008-12-10 227...

HIV Test Results.xls

data Participant ID Group Assignment Country Gender Start Date Height Source Lsid Date Day HIV Western Blot Standard HIV Antibody Viral Load > = < Viral Load Quantified (copies/ml) Viral Load Qualitative Result HIV Rapid Blood Test Source of HIV Tests 103866 Group 1: Acute HIV-1 USA m 2008-04-21 69 2009-05-27 401 3 103866 Group 1: Acute HIV-1 USA m 2008-04-21 69 2009-06-24 429 15 103866...


ParticipantId date QCStateLabel Weight_kg Temp_C SystolicBloodPressure DiastolicBloodPressure Pulse Respirations Signature Pregnancy Language ARV ARVtype height_cm 101344 2008-04-27 00:00:00.0 Not Yet Reviewed 68 37.0 117 83 61 22 1 false English true RTV 173.0 101344 2008-05-25 00:00:00.0 Not Yet Reviewed 69 36.8 145 103 71 23 1 false English true RTV 175.0 101344 2008-06-22 00:00:00.0 Not Yet Reviewed...

"ms2.module" attached to message "Question for cluster setting and Failed running xinteract"

META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Manifest-Version: 1.0 Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.6.5 Created-By: 1.5.0_04-b05 (Sun Microsystems Inc.) ModuleClass: org.labkey.ms2.MS2Module SVNRevision: 6278 SVNURL: BuildUser: bmaclean BuildTime: May 3 2007, 1:12 PM BuildOS: Windows XP BuildPath: C:\\proj\\cpas_release\\server\\modules\\ms2 META-INF...

"ms2.module" attached to message "mzXML2search and mascot server error 26"

META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Manifest-Version: 1.0 Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.7.1 Created-By: 11.2-b01 (Sun Microsystems Inc.) config/module.xml config/ms2Context.xml ...

"ms2.module" attached to message "Problem with loading uniprot_sprot.xml annotation file"

META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Manifest-Version: 1.0 Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.7.0 Created-By: 1.6.0_01-b06 (Sun Microsystems Inc.) ModuleClass: org.labkey.ms2.MS2Module SVNRevision: 7137 SVNURL: r BuildUser: jeckels BuildTime: October 1 2007, 5:15 PM BuildOS: Windows Vista BuildPath: c:\\labkey2.2\\server\\modules\\ms2 META-INF...

"ms2.module" attached to message "Problem running xinteract in Labkey version 2.1"

META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Manifest-Version: 1.0 Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.7.0 Created-By: 1.6.0_01-b06 (Sun Microsystems Inc.) ModuleClass: org.labkey.ms2.MS2Module SVNRevision: 6629 SVNURL: r BuildUser: jeckels BuildTime: July 6 2007, 5:24 PM BuildOS: Windows Vista BuildPath: c:\\labkey2.1\\server\\modules\\ms2 META-INF...

"ms2.module" attached to message "Submitting search to Mascot server...Failed to find Mascot query file"

META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Manifest-Version: 1.0 Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.6.5 Created-By: 1.5.0_04-b05 (Sun Microsystems Inc.) config/module.xml config/ms2Context.xml ...

"ms2.module" attached to message "Mascot error in CPAS"

META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Manifest-Version: 1.0 Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.6.5 Created-By: 1.5.0_06-b05 (Sun Microsystems Inc.) ModuleClass: org.labkey.ms2.MS2Module SVNRevision: Not built from a Subversion source tree SVNURL: Not built from a Subversion source tree BuildUser: CheeHong BuildTime: March 15 2008, 1:09 AM BuildOS: Windows XP BuildPath: F:\\CPL\\tor\\stedi\\branches\\release2.3\\server\\modules\...

"ms2.module" attached to message "Mascot error in CPAS"

META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Manifest-Version: 1.0 Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.6.5 Created-By: 1.5.0_06-b05 (Sun Microsystems Inc.) ModuleClass: org.labkey.ms2.MS2Module SVNRevision: Not built from a Subversion source tree SVNURL: Not built from a Subversion source tree BuildUser: CheeHong BuildTime: March 12 2008, 6:05 PM BuildOS: Windows XP BuildPath: F:\\CPL\\tor\\stedi\\branches\\release2.3\\server\\modules\...

"ms2.module" attached to message "Sequest Fractions XAR import failed"

META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Manifest-Version: 1.0 Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.6.5 Created-By: 1.5.0_04-b05 (Sun Microsystems Inc.) ModuleClass: org.labkey.ms2.MS2Module SVNRevision: 9275 SVNURL: BuildUser: jeckels BuildTime: August 7 2008, 10:25 AM BuildOS: Windows 2003 BuildPath: D:\\release8.2\\server\\modules\\ms2 META-INF...