upload file sanity check and verification in Labkey

LabKey Support Forum
upload file sanity check and verification in Labkey WayneH  2018-04-30 05:43
Status: Closed
Good morning all,

We want to verify that a file correctly matches a specific naming convention upon completion of upload.. Via the files web part or javascript. Do you have any insight as to how we may accomplish this?


Wayne H
Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2018-05-04 20:06
Hi Wayne,

You should be able to use the Javascript API to accomplish this.



WayneH responded:  2018-05-07 08:50
Thanks Jon,

is there something specific we have to do to turn the service on? (ie something in the config or make sure specific ports are available)


Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2018-05-18 13:51
Hi Wayne,

I'm not understanding your question. What are you referring to with regard to "turn the service on"? What service are you referring to?

The Javascript API is always accessible as long as the LabKey instance is running.

