Missing Values harris  2018-05-01 17:24
Status: Closed

I'm trying to import data in an Assay folder. The file I wish to import has some missing data represented as N/A. For example, a data field called Area is Number(double), but does not allow me to upload the file if there are missing data. I tried following the documentation for Manage Missing Value Indicators, but still doesn't allow me to upload anything with N/A. Perhaps I have misunderstood the Missing Value Indicator functionality. Is there a way to translate specific values to missing so that data can be imported?

Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2018-05-03 10:05
Hi Laura,

Any reason why you just don't leave those fields blank instead? If the column is set as a Number(Double) datatype field, N/A wouldn't work since that isn't a number and it isn't a null value either.


harris responded:  2018-05-03 10:32
Thanks, but we want to import the data as it is from our vendor. Is it possible to specify a list of values to use as missing values?
Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2018-05-03 11:07

Hi Laura,

Thanks for confirming.

Can you confirm that you've done the following?

Additional details can also be found here.

Assuming you did this on the folder-level:

  1. In the Missing Value section under the Gear Icon > Folder > Management > Missing Values tab, you should see two indicators that exist by default, a Q and an N. You can choose to add a 3rd one here called "N/A" with a description or remove/swap out the ones that exist for your "N/A" one.


  1. You've set your field in your Assay Data (or anywhere you want that Missing Value Indicator to work) by going to the Advanced Tab of that field and enabling the Missing Value Indicator.


Assuming you did this on the site-level:

  1. In the Missing Value section under the Gear Icon > Site > Admin Console > Missing Value Indicators in the Configuration section, you should see two indicators that exist by default, a Q and an N. You can choose to add a 3rd one here called "N/A" with a description or remove/swap out the ones that exist for your "N/A" one.

  2. You've set your field in your Assay Data (or anywhere you want that Missing Value Indicator to work) by going to the Advanced Tab of that field and enabling the Missing Value Indicator.

If you have done either of those things on the site or folder-level, then any uploads of that specific field that has the value of N/A should automatically set and should produce no errors in relation to that field and the MV setting.

