Automatic Assay Imports

LabKey Support Forum
Automatic Assay Imports slatour  2018-05-09 13:06
Status: Closed


I am currently required to upload ~500 files and import them into assay. This is tedious for a couple of reasons.

  1. There is no "Select all" button within the repository so I must manually select each file and then select "Import Data" button from the File Repository.

  2. After (1) is completed I still need to click Save and Next Run for each item I want to bring into the Assay

Is there a programmatic way to do this? I have tried using both Python and R APIs with no avail. Python only allows one row updated per call which is not helpful considering each of the 500 files has ~ 1000 rows.

Thanks in advance for any feedback,

  • Sara
Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2018-05-18 14:15
Hi Sara,

Have you considered using the pipeline module or creating your own pipeline module to incorporate automating your data uploads to your assay?

Data Processing Pipeline -

Script Pipeline: Running R and Other Scripts in Sequence -

