Rlabkey: labkey.selectRows with colSelect=c("*") gives error

LabKey Support Forum
Rlabkey: labkey.selectRows with colSelect=c("*") gives error Will Holtz  2018-05-21 14:36
Status: Closed


The Rlabkey documentation for the colSelect parameter of labkey.selectRows states, "(optional) a vector of strings specifying which columns of a dataset or view to import. The wildcard character ("*") may also be used here to get all columns including those not in the default view."

On LabKey v18.1:

    baseUrl = 'http://localhost:8080/labkey/',
    folderPath = '/',
    schemaName = 'core',
    queryName = 'users',
    colSelect = c("*")


Error in makeDF(mydata, colSelect, showHidden, colNameOpt) : 
  The column "*" specified in the colSelect variable does not exist in the result set. Be sure you are using the column name for colNameOpt="fieldname" and the column label for colNameOpt="caption". See the documentation for more details.
Called from: makeDF(mydata, colSelect, showHidden, colNameOpt)

This same call without the colSelect parameter defined returns the expected data frame populated with user attributes. Am I messing something up or is this a bug?



Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2018-06-01 22:48
Hi Will,

I can't seem to reproduce the issue you described.

When I use the same code locally on 18.1 and the current trunk build, the Rlabkey selectRows query runs without any problem.

What version of the Rlabkey package are you running? Have you tried upgrading the package recently?


Will Holtz responded:  2018-06-02 21:25
Sorry that I forgot to include the Rlabkey version. I am on Rlabkey v2.2.1, which I believe is the most recent release.

And I am on Labkey r57156, which I believe is the 18.1 release.

cnathe responded:  2018-06-05 08:10
Thank you for the bug report, Will. It does look like there was a regression in the labkey.selectRows() API support for colSelect=c(*). I fixed the issue and the updated Rlabkey package will be posted to CRAN soon, but in the meantime, you can use the attached.
Will Holtz responded:  2018-06-05 10:30
Thanks for the quick fix!
