datasetcolumns table not showing fields imported through assay module

LabKey Support Forum
datasetcolumns table not showing fields imported through assay module WayneH  2019-12-05 13:18
Status: Active

I imported some data to datasets via the assay module.. Wanting to produce a table describing the queries and fields in the schema but found that the datasetcolumns table in the study schema only shows fields created by the user not those created by the assay module.. Kinda odd..? Am I missing something? Don't want to ETL copy of data to another dataset for reporting..

Any thoughts?



chetc (LabKey Support) responded:  2019-12-20 13:46
Status: Closed
Hello Wayne,

I'm sorry but I really don't understand what the issue is. Could you please provide a more detailed explanation of what you are working on and what you are trying to do? Please send screenshots if you can.
