Automate linking of participant ids to flow cytometry analysis wdduncan  2018-10-23 16:07
Status: Closed

We are importing a number of flow cytometry analyses into LabKey. We need to link the analyses to the participants. We can import the flow data into the study. But then we have to manually associate each participant with the flow analysis.

I've attached screenshots.

Is is possible to automate this?

We are running version 18.2 on a Windows 10 server.


Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2018-11-06 13:07
Hi Bill,

For the ParticipantId field to automatically populate, you will need to have some kind of participantId field within an assay results.

Since this is Flow you're working with, you will also need to set the metadata to identify that field, so when you do a Copy-To-Study, the system knows to look at that specific field and set it as the ParticipantId:


wdduncan responded:  2018-11-07 10:10
Thanks Jon. We will see if can we work with the metadata.
