RLabkey: Permissions when inserting/updating rows

LabKey Support Forum
RLabkey: Permissions when inserting/updating rows christian opitz  2021-04-13 00:55
Status: Active

I am trying to update/insert rows using the provided R library. Trying with .netrc, explicitly setting admin user/password via labkey.setDefaults() or only using the API key generated as admin results in:

Error in handleError(response, haltOnError) :
HTTP request was unsuccessful. Status code = 403, Error message = User does not have permission to perform this operation.

Everything (API key, credentials) are tight to the administrator. I can however retrieve the data using getRows() or selectRows().

The target of the operation is a targetedmslist table that was imported via Skyline.

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you.

chetc (LabKey Support) responded:  2021-04-27 12:54
Status: Closed

Hello Christian,

In Panorama, those tables are read-only after import. If you want new values, you will need to update them in Skyline and re-import. You could also use a regular list.

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