Changing Base Column Labels in a Study Ronny Kursawe  2021-08-12 00:51
Status: Closed

We are using Labkey 17.3 and the import of study data with "Study Reload" via "Pipeline". Data are uploaded via WebDav into the pipeline folder.

If I got it correctly, the "datasets_metadata.xml" file allows to specify the names, labels and descriptions of columns. Besides that, there is an option to specify the "subjectColumnName" in the "study.xml" file.

After reloading the study, there is still a section of "Base Columns" (Please find a screenshot enclosed).

Is there an option to change the label and description of such columns? It seems that the settings of the "datasets_metadata.xml" do not work.

Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2021-08-19 15:23
Hi Ronny,

The base columns here, specifically the ParticipantId column, is dictated via the Study Properties page.

If you go into the Manage tab for the specific study and access the Study Properties, you can edit what you'd like the column header to be called if you do not want it to be "participantId".

