Upgrading Old Version of Labkey

LabKey Support Forum
Upgrading Old Version of Labkey dslater  2021-12-17 13:09
Status: Closed

With the log4j vulnerability out, we were going to upgrade our version of Labkey but its been a few years since we have. We are currently on version 16.3. It looks like from https://www.labkey.org/Documentation/wiki-page.view?name=upgradeSupportPolicy, I have to do a bunch of intermediate upgrades. I need to get version 19.1 but the previous release page at https://www.labkey.org/Documentation/wiki-page.view?name=prevReleases does not have it. How am I able to get 19.1?

Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2021-12-17 13:11
Hi David,

I've updated that page so it shows more lines, which goes further back and shows the 19.1 binaries.


dslater responded:  2021-12-17 13:13
That's Awesome. Downloading now. Thanks for the quick reply