Assay Data not getting fetched in API

LabKey Support Forum
Assay Data not getting fetched in API sadanand ranbhor  2023-05-08 02:44
Status: Active

Hi Team,
I have created an assay project folder structure screen shot attached.I am trying too invoke http://<hostname>/labkey/Custom Project 2/subfolder/assay-assayList.api GET API and I get following error
"exception": "Method Not Allowed: GET",
"success": false

Is there any issue with the API URL which I have formed ?Please let me know.

Nick Kerr responded:  2023-05-08 08:18

Hi Sadanand,

The URL looks well formed. Try using POST instead.

Nick Kerr

sadanand ranbhor responded:  2023-05-09 00:06

Please refer to the document link.It says that it is a GET method.