Editing Specimens marcia hon  2017-11-09 06:07
Status: Closed

I have several questions regarding specimens. This ability seems to be perfect for our needs. However, I have some questions:

1. Can we disable edits done outside of requests? Meaning at the screen: Specimen Overview > Vials?

2. Can we edit at non-final states? I have statuses that require editing however these are not at the final states.

3. How can we lock edits? During a state and also before/after request, I don't want any vials to be edited. How do I implement this?

4. Is it possible to have more than one Specimen tracking in one study?

marcia hon responded:  2017-11-09 06:23

It appears as if it is a bug.

When I'm at a "final state", the Request Notes says: "This request is in a final state; no changes are allowed. To make changes, you must change the request's status to a non-final state."

However, I am indeed able to edit the request.

Now, when I do change to a "final state" and try to edit a request, it states: "Specimen may not be edited when it's in a non-final request."

I feel that there is a bug in Labkey as these two above instances contradict each other.

Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2017-11-13 14:53
Hi Marcia,

A few of your questions appear to be duplicates of other posts you've made that we've answered separately, but we'll answer you here as well.

1. Yes, as long as the Specimen Repository under the Manage tab > Change Repository Type > Editable is selected, then you can edit under the vials grid.

2. Per our documentation, an attempt to edit specimen data will fail if that specimen is in a request that is not in a final state. (https://www.labkey.org/Documentation/wiki-page.view?name=specimenEdit)

3. You should be able to Lock Specimens, which prevents other requests from being made for the same item for specimen coordinators & requestors. But as for actual editing itself, there is no option for this. If you're a specimen admin, you'll be able to edit regardless. (https://www.labkey.org/Documentation/wiki-page.view?name=coordinateSpecimens)

4. No, there is only one specimen repository per study. It is possible to use Sample Sets as an alternative to a Specimen Repository though. (https://www.labkey.org/Documentation/wiki-page.view?name=studySamples)

Regarding your issue with the editing in a final state, it sounds like it is working as designed. You can only edit the specimen when it is in a final state and if the final state isn't set first before your attempt to edit, it will produce an error.

If you are setting the state to a final one, then is it possible for you to reproduce this issue using our Importable Demo Study or to send us a test study that does this on your end? I've not been able to reproduce the conditions you described. A study archive and/or your steps in how you managed to get this error to appear would help in our attempts to reproduce this issue and confirm whether there is an actual bug or not.


marcia hon responded:  2017-11-21 05:47

I would like for the specimens to only be editable within the stages, ie, only when specimens are actively part of a request.

I know that I can achieve this when I state that the specimen is in the final stage by making the final stage as "false".

However, how do I make these specimens by default uneditable? I don't want for people to edit the specimens in the specimens table at all.

Is this even possible? I'm starting to think this is not a feature of Labkey.

Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2017-11-27 00:22
Hi Marcia,

The only way to make a specimen repository uneditable is to change the specimen repository to being read-only and therefore the specimens can only be updated via a specimen import.

