Study Import/Export Files and Formats


The xml formats used for study serialization are documented in the LabKey XML Schema Reference. This page provides a summary of some key files exported for a study and links to the schemas for these files.

Study, list, and folder archives are all written using the UTF-8 character encoding for text files. Imported archives are parsed as UTF-8. In addition, text exports from grids use UTF-8 character encoding.

XML Formats

Exporting a study using the XML formats produces a set of XML/XSD files that describe the study's settings and associated data. Some of these files are contained in similarly-named folders rather than at the top level. Key .xml and .xsd files are listed here and linked to their schema documentation pages:

  • study.xml -- Top level study schema XML file.
  • cohorts.xsd -- Describes the cohorts used in the study. A cohort.xml file is exported only when you have manually assigned participants to cohorts.
  • datasets.xsd -- Describes the study dataset manifest. Includes all study dataset-specific properties beyond those included in tableInfo.xsd. Used to generate dataset_manifests.xml.
  • study.xsd -- A manifest for the serialized study. It includes study settings, plus the names of the directories and files that comprise the study.
  • studyDesign.xsd -- Includes studyDesign table information including immunogens, adjuvants, sample types, immunization schedule.
  • visit_map.xsd -- Describes the study visit map. It is used to generate the visitMap.xml file, which describes the study's visits and includes all of the information that can be set within the "Manage Visit" UI within "Manage Study."
  • data.xml -- An XML version of dataset schemas.
  • tableInfo.xsd -- Describes metadata for any database table in LabKey Server, including lists and datasets. A subset of this schema's elements are used to serialize lists for import/export. Similarly, a subset of this schema's elements are used to generate the datasets_metadata.xml file for dataset import/export. Note that a complementary schema file, datasets.xsd, contains additional, dataset-specific properties and is used to generate and read datasets_manifest.xml during dataset import/export. These properties are not included in tableInfo.xsd because of their specificity to datasets.
  • query.xml -- Describe the queries in the study.
  • report.xsd -- Describe the reports in the study.
  • Additional information on query, view, and report schemas can be found on the Modules: Queries, Views and Reports page.
  • specimen_settings.xml -- Contains the specimen repository settings including specimen webpart groupings, location types, request statuses, request actors, and default requirements.
To browse for other XML and XSD documentation, use the LabKey XML Schema Reference.

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