Tutorial: Use URLs to Pass Data and Filter Grids


This tutorial can be completed using a free 30-day trial version of LabKey Server.

This tutorial covers how to pass parameters between pages via a URL, then use those received URL parameters to filter a grid and customize reports. These features are helpful when building applications to make it easier for your users to navigate your data from a custom interface.

To accomplish this, you will:

  • 1. Collect user input from an initial page
  • 2. Build a parameterized URL to pass the user's input to a second page.
  • 3. Use information packaged in the URL to filter a data grid.
We will use a list of reagents as our sample data, our finished application will filter the list of reagents to those that start with the user provided value. For example, if the user enters 'tri', the grid will display only those reagents whose name starts with 'tri'.

See a completed version of what you will build in this tutorial.


To complete this tutorial, you will need:

First Step

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