Set Up for Tutorials: Non-Trial

This topic explains how to set up for the LabKey Tutorials on a non-trial instance of the server. If you have access to a LabKey trial server and the tutorial you want will work there, use this topic instead: Set Up for Tutorials: Trial.

To run any LabKey Tutorial you need:

  1. An account on a running LabKey Server instance.
  2. A tutorial workspace project on that server where you are an administrator and can create new folders.
  3. A basic familiarity with navigation, folder creation, and utilities like web parts.
If running tutorials on a trial instance of LabKey Server does not meet your needs, the other options for creating a tutorial workspace are:

Existing Installations

1. & 2. If your organization is already using LabKey Server, contact your administrator about obtaining access as an administrator to a project or folder to use. For example, they might create and assign you a "Tutorials-username" project or subfolder. They will provide you the account information for signing in, and the URL of the location to use.

LabKey Server installations in active use may have specialized module sets or other customizations which cause the UI to look different than tutorial instructions. It's also possible that you will not have the same level of access that you would have if you installed a local demo installation.

3. Learn the navigation and UI basics in this topic:

The location given to you by your administrator is your tutorial workspace where you can create a subfolder for each tutorial that you run.

Full Local Installation

1. If none of the above are suitable, you may need to complete a full manual installation of LabKey Server. Detailed instructions are provided here:

2. You will be the site administrator on your own local server. To create a tutorials project:
  • Select (Admin) > Site > Create Project.
  • Enter the name "Tutorials" and choose folder type "Collaboration".
  • Accept all project wizard defaults.

3. Learn the navigation and UI basics in this topic:


Congratulations, you can now log in, navigate to your workspace, and begin running tutorials.

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