Tutorial: File Based Module Resources


This tutorial shows you how to create a file-based module including a variety of reports, queries, and views, and how to surface them in the LabKey Server user interface. Multiple options for module-based resources are included here, including: R reports, SQL queries, SQL query views, HTML views, and web parts.

The Scenario

Suppose that you want to enable a series of R reports, database queries, and HTML views to accompany common study datasets. The end-goal is to deliver these to a client as a unit that can be easily added to their existing LabKey Server installation, and seamlessly made available in all studies at once.

Once added, end-users would not be able to modify the queries or reports, ensuring that they keep running as expected. The steps below show how to create these resources using a file-based module.

Tutorial Steps

Use the Module on a Production Server

This tutorial is designed for developers who build LabKey Server from source. Even if you are not a developer and do not build the server from source, you can get a sense of how modules work by installing the module that is the final product of this tutorial, then reading through the steps of the tutorial to see how these resources are surfaced in the user interface.

To install the module, download fileBasedDemo.module and deploy it to your server.

First Step