Table of Contents

Explore an Assay Data Workflow
ELISA Run 1 Details
ELISA Assay Data
Other Options: Join Related Data
Other Options: Visualize Results
Other Options: QC Trend Reporting
Data Harmonization Workflow
Quality Control - Cell Culture
T Cell Culture - Media Comparison
Analysis - Tabular Format
Media Comparison

Explore an Assay Data Workflow

Explore key assay data capabilities using a simple Cell Culture assay measuring cell growth performance in different media.

  • Data Dashboard
  • QC
  • Analysis
  • Results

Learn More:
Assay data from a wide variety of instruments can be brought into LabKey Server for harmonization and analysis. The Assay List below shows the different designs available in this folder. You can learn more about specific assay types in the LabKey Assay Documentation.

When you are ready to try working with your own assay data, you can create your own 30 day hosted trial of LabKey Server and start setting up customized assay designs and uploading data.

If you would like additional information, or a demo of a specific application of interest to you, please request a demo.

ELISA Run 1 Details

ELISA Assay Data

ELISA is a plate based assay, here 3 runs have been imported to the default assay design.

Built in features like Calibration Curves offer quick analysis. Hover over any row and click the (Details) link to see a specific run.

See the plate design here

Other Options: Join Related Data

Integrating your instrument data with related clinical results and demographics can be done within the UI.

LabKey grid views let you join multiple tables and display custom views with different columns for different uses without writing any code. Use the grid-view customizer under the (Grid Views) menu.

Other Options: Visualize Results

Quick visualizations of instrument data results can help validate data and communicate findings. Here are a few samples. Click to see the data.

Other Options: QC Trend Reporting

Track the performance of analytes or equipment using QC trend reporting tools like these Levey-Jennings plots. Click to explore the plot.

Data Harmonization Workflow

Data can be dropped into the Files panel, imported using a customized assay design, and surfaced within LabKey UI in whatever tabular/visual formats are most useful.

Transformations to harmonize data from different contributors remove manual cleaning steps and reduce the chances of errors.

  • Submitted data is shown in two tables: Cell Culture Runs and Cell Culture Results (below).
  • In the Files panel (right), contributors can drop files for analysis.
  • Continue to the QC tab to see quality control rules applied to the data.

Quality Control - Cell Culture

The QC Analyst reviewing the data for Group 4, discovered that the cells died, including those in the control media, indicating an issue unrelated to the media being tested. This violated the QC criteria, so the run was marked "Reviewed - Rejected", and is excluded from the final analysis.

The number of replicate samples per media is shown here: Number of Replicates

Fine-grained permissions are available corresponding to different roles in a Lab organization, such as "QC Analyst", for setting quality control states. Administrators also have the option to hide data based on QC state -- not done here so that you can browse all the data.

T Cell Culture - Media Comparison

LabKey's assay solutions are highlighted in this data portal, including:

  • a custom assay designs to capture the experimental results and metadata
  • a data file drop where submitters can contribute experimental results
  • quality control markers to filter out invalid data
  • analyses displayed in both visual and tabular formats

A Framework for Media Comparison

This experiment provides a framework for evaluating and optimizing media recipes for T cell cultures. Different media components and ingredient ratios can be compared against one another to help support research into T cell-based therapies, especially researchers pursuing serum-free and animal-free media formulations.

Two different media for T cell cultures are compared here. Data results from other media experiments can easily be added, if desired.

Experimental Protocol

T cells were cultured over 14 days using a generic cell culture protocol.

Media recipes compared:

  • Media X - An off the shelf chemically-derived media, with no animal components. Designed for day 7 harvesting of cells.
  • Media Y - An off the shelf chemically-derived media, with no animal components. Designed for day 14 harvesting.
  • Control - no media used in culture.

Analysis Results

Media X performance peaked at day 7 (as documented by the supplier). Media Y peaks at day 14. In terms of absolute cell production, Media Y outperformed the control and Media X.

All data presented here is fictional and was created by random number generators.


Analysis - Tabular Format

Media Comparison

Mean Cell Counts