Manage Visits or Timepoints


When you created your study, you chose whether the study would be visit-based or date-based. Both are similar methods of separating data into sequential buckets, with somewhat different management options.

To reach the Manage page:

  • To reach this page, click the study's Manage tab.
  • Select either Manage Visits or Manage Timepoints.

Manage Visits

  • Study Schedule
  • Change Visit Order: Change the display order and/or chronological order of visits
  • Change Properties: The label, cohort, type, and default visibility of multiple visits can be edited at the same time.
  • Delete Multiple Visits: Select the visits you want to delete. Note this will also delete any related dataset and specimen rows. The number of rows associated with each visit are shown for reference.
  • Delete Unused Visits: If there are any visits not associated with any data, you can delete them. You will see a list of unused visits and confirm the deletion.
  • Recalculate Visit Dates: The number of rows updated is shown after recalculating.
  • Import Visit Map: Import a visit map in XML format.
  • Visit Import Mapping: Define a mapping between visit names and numbers so that data containing only visit names can be imported.
  • Create New Visit.

Change Visit Order

Display order determines the order in which visits appear in reports and views for all study and specimen data. By default, visits are displayed in order of increasing visit ID for visit-based studies, which is often, but not necessarily the same as date order as used in timepoint-based studies. You can also explicitly set the display order.

Chronological visit order is used to determine which visits occurred before or after others. Visits are chronologically ordered when all participants move only downward through the visit list. Any given participant may skip some visits, depending on cohort assignment or other factors. It is generally not useful to set a chronological order for date-based studies.

To explicitly set either order, check the box, then use the "Move Up" or "Move Down" buttons to adjust the order if needed. Click "Save" when you are done.

Manage Timepoints

  • Study Schedule
  • Recompute Timepoints: If you edit the day range of timepoints, use this link to assign dataset data to the correct timepoints. The number of rows changed will be reported.
  • Delete Multiple Timepoints: Select the timepoints you want to delete. Note this will also delete any related dataset and specimen rows. The number of rows associated with each timepoint are shown for reference.
  • Create New Timepoint

  • Timepoint Configuration: Set the study start date and duration for timepoints. Used to assign a row to the correct timepoint when only a date field is provided.
    • A timepoint is assigned to each dataset row by computing the number of days between a subject's start date and the date supplied in the row.
    • Each subject can have an individual start date specified by providing a StartDate field in a demographic dataset.
    • If no start date is available for a subject, the study start date specified here is used.
    • If dataset, specimen, or other data is imported that is not associated with an existing timepoint, a new timepoint will automatically be created.
    • The default timepoint duration will determine the number of days included in automatically created timepoints.

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