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Demographics Dataset marcia hon  2017-11-27 10:14
Status: Closed

I have two questions.

1. Does the Demographics dataset require a "Visit Id" column?

2. How do I insert a row into Demographics? I don't know what to put for "Date". It states: "Could not convert value: 1"

Jon (LabKey DevOps) responded:  2017-12-05 21:19
Hi Marcia,

You do not have to add a Visit Id column to a demographics dataset. If your study is a visit-based one, it will automatically be inferred.

To insert a new row into any dataset, list, or most tables, just click the "+" symbol and select "Insert New Row".

For "Date", you need to put in a valid date in the format of MM-DD-YYYY since it is a date field.

A lot of this information is explained in our docs and tutorials on studies:


I highly encourage you to use our resources here and go through our tutorials (https://www.labkey.org/Documentation/wiki-page.view?name=default) to get the best experience in learning how to use LabKey.

