Problem while using the "Import and Export a XAR File" tutorial

LabKey Support Forum
Problem while using the "Import and Export a XAR File" tutorial ophira  2021-03-22 09:50
Status: Active


I am trying to understand the Experiment module using the documentation by following these instructions:

I got stuck here:

  • Download either or XarTutorial.tar.gz and extract to your computer.
  • Select the Pipeline tab, and click Setup.
  • Click Set a pipeline override.
  • Enter the path to the directory where you extracted the files.
  • Click Save.

On step “Select the Pipeline tab, and click Setup.”, I didn’t find any “Setup” and “Set a pipeline override” anywhere.
Should this feature work in the Trial version? In the CE version?

My trial server:

Tried the above on the "Example Project" as well as a newly created project named "proj4experiment".


ophira responded:  2021-03-23 07:43


We got the Community Edition server installed, and the "Setup" button appears when I do the same on this server, tried to do the exact action (open a new project, and then go to Pipeline) but it still does not appear on the Trial server. I can now test this functionality using this server, so this is not a problem for me now.

chetc (LabKey Support) responded:  2021-03-23 07:53

Hello Ophir,

Thanks for reaching out to us!

Unfortunately trail servers do not support setting up a pipeline override which is why you're not seeing what the documentation mentions. If you would like to follow the XAR tutorial, you would have to download and install the server locally.

If you're interested in other tutorials, our docs team has curated a list of tutorials which you can use to tell which tutorials will work with a trial instance.


chetc (LabKey Support) responded:  2021-03-23 07:55

Hello Ophir,

I did not see your reply before posting mine. Glad to hear you got it working!


ophira responded:  2021-03-23 07:58
Status: Closed

Thanks for your response Chet and for the links to the tutorials. The documentation is very helpful in learning the system.