Install LabKey


LabKey Server is a Java web application that includes embedded Apache Tomcat and accesses a relational database, either PostgreSQL or, with a Premium Edition, Microsoft SQL Server. LabKey Server can also reserve a network file share for the data pipeline, and use an outgoing SMTP mail server for sending system emails. LabKey Server may optionally connect to an LDAP server to authenticate users within an organization. These topics will guide you in installing LabKey Server for the first time.

If you are upgrading an existing installation, follow topics in this section:

If you wish to evaluate LabKey Server, we recommend that you contact us to obtain a trial server instead of installing it locally.

These are the main prerequisites for installing LabKey. Beginning with version 24.3, Tomcat is embedded in the distribution of LabKey and does not need to be separately installed or managed.

  • Java: Use a supported version.
  • PostgreSQL or Microsoft SQL Server (available with a Premium Edition): Select one of these to serve as the database and use a supported version.

Installation Topics

Other Install Topics


Premium Resources Available

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